About Us
We are a family of 9 living in North Central Arkansas. We enjoy nature and all it has to offer for our health and skin. Ben (the dad) is the potter, and Jessica (the mom) is the herbalist and chief formulator. The kids are enjoying the country life and learning the trades. We give all Glory to God for growing our little business and blessing this adventure.
My journey to health and natural body care started as a young mom of 2, 9 years ago, with all day fatigue, brain fog, and a myriad of other symptoms weighing me down. I knew there had to be a better way and never being one to run to the doctor, I dug in books, Internet forums and even took some courses to find information on how to help my body heal. That had to begin with switching personal care items to completely natural options and using nothing with fragrances. It also had to include dietary and gut healing measures along with supplements. I’m happy to say that I’ve healed myself from many things that probably would have just gained a label and prescription had I gone to the doctor. I fully believe in modern medicine and the benefits it carries, but I also fully believe in healing through nature.
My hope is that you’ll be blessed by our products and will continue your journey to natural health after switching out your personal care items.
Many blessings,
Jessica Karns